Original artwork and prints

Purchase original art or prints from Jonathan Machen Art!

Original art is an investment, and prints are perfect for gifts! Find both at Jonathanmachen.art

a framed pastel drawing of Eldora Ski Area, by Jonathan Machen, on the wall of the person who bought it.
This is a picture of a framed pastel drawing of the Boulder High School by Jonathan Machen

Happy Customers!

  • Two customers holding a Jonathan Machen original painting

    Purchased an original painting at the Eldorado Springs Art Center studio

  • a customer who bought an original drawing of Marshall Mesa from Jonathan Machen

    Purchased an original drawing of Marshall Mesa, Boulder

  •  a customer who bought a Jonathan Machen print

    Purchased a print of ‘Boulder Tripych’

  • a picture of two people holding Jonathan Machen prints

    Purchased several prints from Jonathan Machen at the 2023 Open Studios

  • a customer who bought a Jonathan Machen Drawing

    Purchased an original Drawing of ‘Teec Nos Pos’ trading post in Arizona

  • Purchased a print of Flatirons in Forest

  • a customer who bought an original drawing of a coffeeshop in Nederland

    Purchased an original drawing of the interior of a ski hut in Colorado’s high county

  • A customer who bought several prints from Jonathan

    Purchased several prints: Gem Lake and Sanitas Trail

  • a customer showing the drawing she bought from Jomathan Machen

    Purcased a chalk pastel original, ‘Flatirons from South Mesa Trail’

  • Two customers who purchased a Jonathan Machen painting

    Purchased an original oil painting of a chair

  • A customer who purchased a chalk pastel drawing from Jonathan machen

    Purchased an original drawing of aspens

  • A customer with a pastel drawing made by Jonathan Machen

    Purchased an original pastel drawing of George Floyd

  • a customer who bought a print of 'Rocks and Flatiron' by Jonathan Machen

    Purchased a print of Rocks and Flatiron

  • A customer who purchased a print from Jonathan Machen
  • A customer who bought a print from Jonathan Machen

    Bought a print of ’King Sooper’s Geese’

  • A customer with an original drawing purchased from Jonathan Machen

    Purchased an original drawing of Eldora Ski Area

  • customers who bought some original artwork from Jonathan

    Purchased an original drawing from Hawaii and a print of a lighthouse in Oregon!

  • this is an image of a lady who commissioned a pen-and-ink portrait from me

    She commissioned me to make a pen-and-ink portrait of her friend and his two sons

  • a picture of a man next to a painting that was commissioned for him

    This man, the outgoing CEO of Woodward. INC., received this commissioned painting as a gift!

  • an image of a woman holding a chalk pastel drawing that Jonathan Machen made

    Purchased an original chalk pastel drawing of the Boulder Theater and the Shambhala Center

  • a woman holding up a Jonathan Machen pastel drawing of the Boulder High School

    Purchased a pastel drawing of Boulder High School for Boulder High School - now part of their permanent collection

  • a man holding a framed portrait of himself, his girlfriend and their dog

    Commissioned an original drawing of himself, his fiancee and their dog